Is There A Difference Between Implant Supported Dentures And Full Mouth Dental Implants?

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Implant supported dentures are a restorative tooth replacement option for those who no longer want to wear traditional dentures. Full mouth dental implants in The Villages, FL, also give patients a restored new smile that will last them for years to come. While implant supported dentures and full mouth dental implants can both restore the look and function of patients’ smiles, there are some differences between these two procedures.

Here are the differences between implant supported dentures and full mouth dental implants.


The Differences Between Implant Supported Dentures And Full Mouth Dental Implants

When people are thinking of replacing their missing teeth with either implant supported dentures or full mouth dental implants, there are a few notable differences between the two that they should take into account before they choose one.

While implant supported dentures support a denture with just two or more dental implants, full mouth dental implants in The Villages, FL use four or more dental implants to support a full arch prosthesis or denture. Full mouth dental implants are the closest tooth replacement option to natural teeth. Implant supported dentures, on the other hand, may not look or feel like natural teeth, but patients will have enough stability to eat, speak, and smile properly.


Come To Our Office Now So We Can Restore Your Smile

Whether you restore your smile with implant supported dentures or full mouth dental implants in The Villages, FL, both tooth replacement options will stimulate your jawbone so that you can eat, speak, and smile properly. You should come to our office so we can determine which tooth replacement option is the best one for you.

Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. David Price at our office to schedule an appointment today!

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